The Diver Clinic

NHS funded diver advice and treatment

The Diver Clinic is an NHS contracted recompression chamber facility specialising in treating divers with decompression illness and decompression sickness symptoms.

Providing front line emergency care for the NHS for over 20 years, we have an experienced team available 24 hours a day throughout the year, on hand to provide diver advice and treatment.

Working closely with our partners, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Poole Hospital NHS Trust, South Western Ambulance and South Central Ambulance we are able to provide comprehensive services to get divers back on their feet.

Do not delay in seeking professional medical advice for decompression illness and dive related symptoms

Feel unwell after diving?

If you feel unwell after diving then call our 24 hour decompression sickness advice line on:

07770 423637

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The NHS and Public Health organisations are extremely well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal. Please check GOV.UK for the latest information.

The symptoms are fever with a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath

Use the 111 online coronavirus service or dial 111 to find out what to do next if you have any of the above.

If none of the above symptoms apply, then please contact us as usual for specialist diving medicine advice.

NHS England Designated Provider

The Diver Clinic in Poole is one of only 7 Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine Units recognised and designated by NHS England, more information about NHS designated Hyperbaric Chambers be found on the NHS England website.

diving emergency
The 4 R’s of Managing a DCI Injury

Decompression Illness Symptoms

How can you tell if you have decompression sickness?  Check our handy symptom guide.

DCI Risk Factors & Prevention

What increases your risk as a diver? How can you reduce your risk of decompression illness.

Diving Casualty Assessment

What is the examining hyperbaric Doctor looking for to assess if you have decompression sickness?

Diving Medicine Questions

Have a question for our diving medical team?  Or see if we have already answered it.

Decompression Illness Treatment

What is the treatment for a diver with decompression illness?  Find out how we treat.

Diving Incident First Aid

First Aid summary of actions to take following a diving incident amongst your dive group.

The Diver Clinic Poole

7 Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 2NN

Directions to The Diver Clinic Poole (opens in new window)

Office number: 01202 678278

Supporting hospital: Poole Hospital NHS Trust

Medical directors: Dr M Bettley-Smith

For decompression illness advice, call our 24 hour help line:

(no dive medical or hyperbaric oxygen enquiries please)

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